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Country | Phone number for general inquiries |
Email address for general inquiries |
Phone number for Technical Support inquiries |
Email address for Technical Support inquiries |
AUSTRIA | 0810 282206 | unity.at@thermofisher.com | 0810 282206 | unity.at@thermofisher.com |
BENELUX | +31 76 579 51 74 (NL) +32 9 272 55 88 (BE/LUX) |
unity.bnl@thermofisher.com | +31 76 579 51 74 (NL) +32 9 272 55 88 (BE/LUX) |
unity.bnl@thermofisher.com |
FRANCE Villebon* FRANCE Illkirch*** |
+33 1 60 92 49 50* +33 3 88 66 67 24*** |
unity.fr@thermofisher.com | +33 1 60 92 49 50* +33 3 88 66 67 24*** |
unity.fr@thermofisher.com |
GERMANY Dreieich* GERMANY Langenselbold** |
+49 6103 408 1050* 0800 1112 110** |
unity.de@thermofisher.com | +49 6103 408 1050* 0800 1112 110** |
unity.de@thermofisher.com |
ITALY | +39 0295 059 537 | unity.it@thermofisher.com | +39 0295 059 537 | unity.it@thermofisher.com |
NORDICS | +45 70 23 62 67 (DK/IS) +46 8 556 468 20 (FI/NO/SE) |
unity.nordic@thermofisher.com | +45 70 23 62 67 (DK/IS) +46 8 556 468 20 (FI/NO/SE) |
unity.nordic@thermofisher.com |
SPAIN/PORTUGAL | +34 913 806 733 | unity.es@thermofisher.com | +34 913 806 733 | unity.es@thermofisher.com |
SWITZERLAND | +41 61 716 77 40 | unity.ch@thermofisher.com | +41 61 716 77 40 | unity.ch@thermofisher.com |
UK/IRELAND | 0870 2411034 (UK) +353 1899 1030 (IE) |
unity.uk@thermofisher.com | 0870 2411034 (UK) +353 1899 1030 (IE) |
unity.uk@thermofisher.com |
USA | 1 800-532-4752, Option 3* | us.customer-support.analyze @thermofisher.com* |
1 800-532-4752, Option 2* | us.techsupport.analyze @thermofisher.com* |
1 888-860-5227, Option 3, then 1** | servicesupport.led. asheville@thermofisher.com** |
1 866-984-3766, Option 2** | technicalsupport.led @thermofisher.com** |
Canada | 1 800-530-8447* | cmd.canada@thermofisher.com* | 1 800-532-4752, Option 2* | us.techsupport. analyze@thermofisher.com* |
1 800-234-7437*** | unity.ca@thermofisher.com*** | 1 800-234-7437, Option 3*** | servicesupport.led. asheville@thermofisher.com*** |
*For analytical instruments, including mass spectrometry, chromatography, trace elemental, molecular spectroscopy, sample preparation, and discrete industrial analyzer instruments
**For laboratory equipment, including cold storage, incubators, centrifuges, shakers, pipettes, water purification systems, water baths, biosafety cabinets, environmental chambers, ovens, and other laboratory equipment
***For laboratory equipment and all non-Thermo Scientificâ„¢ products and services
NL=Netherlands, BE=Belgium, LUX=Luxembourg, DK=Denmark, IS=Iceland, FI=Finland, NO=Norway, SE=Sweden, UK=United Kingdom, IE=Ireland